CEO Mr. Essam Fakhriddin represets The Jordanian Tourist Restaurant Association

On Tuesday 14th of December 2021, The President of the Jordanian Tourist Restaurant Association, and CEO of ATICO Fakhreldin Group, Mr. Essam Fakhriddin, accompanied by a number of members of the Board of Directors, met with the Director General of the Food and Drug Administration, Proffesor Dr. Nizar Mahmoud Mhaidat. During the meeting, many issues where discussed, including ascpects related to tourist restaurants and food. A mutal agreement confirmed  that the two parties would support the tourist restaurant sector and in return a confirmation to provide safe and secure food was made.

On 1st of January Mr. Fakhriddin and Mr. Michael Nazzal Ex-President of The Union of the Tourism Association were interviewed on A One T.V., hosted by Mr. Issam Qadamani. “Where is Tourism Going?” instigated discussion and deliberation to show the necessary steps to improve the sector and bring it back to life.

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